2010 Diploma of the French Institute for Academic Studies of National Defense Issues « IHEDN » (Institut des hautes études de défense nationale), 68th seminar « Jeunes » (Angers, 30th August - 3rd September 2010). Prize for the best PhD in EU Law, LawSchool, Aix-Marseille University
2009 PhD in Law, Summa Cum Laude [Mention très honorable avec felicitations du jury] plus authorization for publication without prior revision, LawSchool, Aix-Marseille University.
2005 Prize for Master’s degree granted by the Association des juristes européens.
2004 Master’s degree in EU Law (« DEA de droit communautaire »), good evaluation, best of class, LawSchool, Aix-Marseille University. Prize for the best internship report, LawSchool, Aix-Marseille University.
2003 Pre-master studies in Public International and European Law (« Maîtrise en droit international et européen »), quite good evaluation, LawSchool, Aix-Marseille University.
2002 Diploma of the International Center for Peace and Development, Castellón (Spain). Licence en droit, quite good evaluation, LawSchool, Aix-Marseille University (France).
1999 - 2001 Undergraduate studies in Law („Grundstudium der Rechtswissenschaften“), LawSchool, University of Cologne (Germany).
1999 Abitur (high school diploma), very good evaluation and Prize, Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium, Heilbronn (Germany).